Training & Presentations
Tamar is a passionate, enthusiastic and dynamic trainer and presenter. She has provided online training for organisations around the world.
Tamar provides training in ACT online and in person for professionals working with young people and training for schools.
Contact Tamar to discuss your organisation’s training needs.
Scroll down the page to see upcoming workshops and join our mailing list below to get updates about training.
Feedback from Previous Workshops
“Thank you for such an amazing workshop. All of the information was relevant to the young people I work with and you have expanded my knowledge and understanding in many ways. I am so excited to start implementing the activities into my sessions. ”
“Love the style of the course. Being given direct examples of how to use ACT really helps.”
“Very informative, client focused using simple terms. It was very practical and easy to apply to real world settings.”
“Great for immediate application.”
“Everything was very easy to understand and use, the information was well presented, with great handouts.”
“Great presenter, loved the examples and seeing how ACT could be practically implemented.”
“As a provisional psychologist, I found the applicability of the exercises and explanations of the concepts incredibly helpful.”
“I walked away with new strategies I can use immediately.”
“I really loved it all. I felt it was it was all so appropriate and helpful.”
“Very practical, easy to understand and use, fabulous presenter.”
“Very clear presentation of HOW to use ACT with children with easy to use, great concrete examples.”
Online On-Demand Two-Day Workshop
BEGINNERS: Getting Started in Using the ACT Kidflex with Children & Adolescents
ACT can be used effectively with children and adolescents for a wide range of issues. This highly practical and experiential workshop will introduce you to ACT, and teach you how to use the ACT Kidflex. This is a developmentally appropriate adaptation of the ACT Hexaflex for use with children and adolescents. You will learn about the six ACT processes by taking part in experiential exercises. Identifying which ACT processes your client would benefit from, and where to begin counselling will also be taught. In addition, you will learn how to affirm neurodiversity using the ACT Kidflex.
This very practical workshop teaches how to use ACT with children and adolescents in plain, easy to understand language. Engaging, quick and simple strategies are taught. A variety of case examples of children and adolescents will be presented.
Educational Objectives:
– Outline a simplified ACT/RFT Model of Psychopathology.
– Explain how to use ACT to increase resilience in children and adolescents.
– Outline how to adapt ACT for children and adolescents.
– Explain the ACT Kidflex and how to use it with children and adolescents.
– Outline the ACT stance and how to model it in working with children, adolescents and their parents/caregivers.
– Explain how to use an adapted version of the ACT Matrix.
– Outline how to develop an ACT case conceptualization. Then, create goals for counselling together with children/adolescents and where appropriate, parents/caregivers.
– Explain how to use the ACT Kidflex to affirm neurodiversity.
– Identify where in the ACT Kidflex to start with your clients and how to select which ACT Kidflex processes to use.
– Demonstrate how ACT experiential exercises can be used with children and adolescents.
– Describe how to suggest home tasks to parents/caregivers to reinforce ACT.
– Outline how to provide recommendations to teachers and schools.
Pricing: $AUD 605 inc GST
Refund Policy: No refunds will be provided.
To register, please send an email to
What You Will Learn in Tamar’s Workshops:
Simple, practical, creative and easy to apply strategies that are developmentally suitable for use with children and adolescents. You will be shown lots of case examples and be able to use what you learn straight away.
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Previous Workshops
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based therapy that can be used effectively with children and adolescents for a wide range of issues. This highly practical workshop will introduced the ACT Kidflex: a developmentally appropriate adaptation of the ACT Hexaflex for use with children and adolescents.
This workshop taught ACT in plain, easy to understand language. You learnt how to use ACT with children and adolescents, develop an ACT case conceptualization, work with parents, and provide recommendations to parents/caregivers and teachers.
A variety of engaging, creative and easy to use exercises was taught.
ACT can be used effectively with children and adolescents for a wide range of issues. This highly practical and experiential workshop introduced participants to ACT, and taught them how to use the ACT Kidflex. This is a developmentally appropriate adaptation of the ACT Hexaflex for use with children and adolescents. They learnt about the six ACT processes by taking part in experiential exercises. Identifying which ACT processes your client would benefit from, and where to begin counselling was also taught. In addition, they learnt how to affirm neurodiversity using the ACT Kidflex.
This very practical workshop taught how to use ACT with children and adolescents in plain, easy to understand language. Engaging, quick and simple strategies were taught. A variety of case examples of children and adolescents were presented.
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based therapy that can be used effectively with children and adolescents for a wide range of issues. This highly practical workshop introduced you to the ACT Kidflex: a developmentally appropriate adaptation of the ACT Hexaflex for use with children and adolescents.
This workshop taught ACT in plain, easy to understand language. Participants learnt how to use ACT with children and adolescents, develop an ACT case conceptualization, work with parents, and provide recommendations to parents/caregivers and teachers.
A variety of engaging, creative and easy to use exercises were taught.
This was an online workshop hosted by Contextual Consulting (UK). Participants learnt how to use the ACT Kidflex with anxious children.
This was a one-day invited workshop at the School Psychologists Association of Western Australia annual conference. This workshop sold-out and there were 60 participants.
ACT can be used effectively with children and adolescents for a wide range of issues. This highly practical and experiential workshop introduced participants to ACT, and taught them how to use the ACT Kidflex. This is a developmentally appropriate adaptation of the ACT Hexaflex for use with children and adolescents. They learnt about the six ACT processes by taking part in experiential exercises. Identifying which ACT processes your client would benefit from, and where to begin counselling was also taught. In addition, they learnt how to affirm neurodiversity using the ACT Kidflex.
This very practical workshop taught how to use ACT with children and adolescents in plain, easy to understand language. Engaging, quick and simple strategies were taught. A variety of case examples of children and adolescents were presented.
Participants learnt how to use ACT with children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. These include Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety/Phobia, Panic Disorder, Separation Anxiety, OCD, Trichotillomania and Excoriation/Dermatillomania. The ACT Kidflex, a developmentally appropriate adaptation of the ACT Hexaflex for use with children and adolescents, was taught.
Exposure and Response Prevention, Habit Reversal Therapy, and Compassion-based approaches, and how to use these with ACT was included. How to provide home tasks for children, adolescents, and their parents/caregivers were taught, along with recommendations for parents/caregivers, teachers and schools.
Opportunities to practice new skills via small group work, case discussions and role play were given.
This was an online workshop hosted by the Center for Emotional Health of Greater Philadelphia. Participants learnt how to use the ACT Kidflex with children and adolescents and train parents as ‘ACT Coaches’.
This was an online workshop for 118 Behavior Analysts hosted by Connections Behavior Intervention and Planning in Seattle, USA. Participants learned how to use the ACT Kidflex with children and adolescents. They learnt how to develop an ACT case conceptulisation and develop goals collaboratively. They learnt how to train parents as ACT coaches and provide neurodiversity affirming strategies for parents and teachers.
This was a one-day workshop for beginner and intermediate ACT mental health practioners in Perth, Western Australia hosted by Prosper Health Collective. Participants were introduced to the ACT Kidflex and learnt lots of techniques for using ACT with children and adolescents. Participants also learnt how to train parents as ACT coaches.